- 1 补充课上没有完成的作业
- 2 参考15.3节,用自己完成的队列(链队,循环数组队列)实现模拟票务柜台排队功能
- 3 用JDB或IDEA单步跟踪排队情况,画出队列变化图,包含自己的学号信息
- 4 把代码推送到代码托管平台
- 5 把完成过程写一篇博客:重点是单步跟踪过程和遇到的问题及解决过程
- 6 提交博客链接
public class CircularArrayQueue implements Queue { private final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10000; private int front, rear, size; private T[] queue; //-----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates an empty queue using the default capacity.//----------------------------------------------------------------- public CircularArrayQueue() { front = rear = size = 0; queue = (T[]) (new Object[DEFAULT_CAPACITY]); } //-----------------------------------------------------------------// Adds the specified element to the rear of this queue, expanding// the capacity of the queue array if necessary.//----------------------------------------------------------------- public void enqueue (T element) { if (size == queue.length) expandCapacity(); queue[rear] = element; rear = (rear+1) % queue.length; size++; } public void expandCapacity() { T[] larger = (T[])(new Object[queue.length*2]); for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) larger[index] = queue[(front+index) % queue.length]; front = 0; rear = size; queue = larger; } @Override public T dequeue() { if (size == 0) throw new EmptyCollectionException("queue"); T d = queue[front]; queue[front] = null; front = (front+1)%queue.length; size--; return d; } @Override public T first() { return queue[front]; } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { boolean course = false; if(size ==0){ course = true; } return course; } @Override public int size() { return size; } @Override public String toString(){ String result = ""; int scan = 0; while(scan < size) { if(queue[scan]!=null) { result += queue[scan].toString()+"\n"; } scan++; } return result; }}